桃井 謙祐 氏 / Mr. Kensuke Momoi

国土交通省観光庁参事官(MICE 担当)
通商産業省(現:経済産業省)入省後、エネルギー政策、地球温暖化対策、対日投資促進、中小企業政策、地域経済産業政策、経済統計分析等に携わる。途中、米国留学、長崎大学経済学部准教授、信州大学経済学部教授。地域ブランディングや観光、地域産業振興等に関する研究に従事。現在は観光庁にて MICE の誘致開催の推進や 2025年大阪・関西万博に向けた取組の検討・調整に携わるほか、これまでワーケーション及びブレジャーの推進にも従事。信州大学社会基盤研究所特任教授を兼職。
Director for Meetings and Events Promotion, Japan Tourism Agency (JTA)
Visiting Professor at the Research Center for Social Systems, Shinshu University
Mr. Momoi has been planning to revive Japan as a top MICE destination in the Asia-Pacific region Before his current position, Mr. Momoi held several director positions within Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, analyzing Japanese economy and industries in the age of Covid-19 and planning the regional economic and industrial policy in Japan. Mr. Momoi also has an academic career and has been doing researches of regional industry and branding.
Mr. Momoi was a professor of the Faculty of Economics and Law at the Shinshu University and an associate professor of the Faculty of Economics at the Nagasaki University. Mr. Momoi graduated from the faculty of economics at the University of Tokyo and holds a master degree of business administration from the Michael G. Foster School of Business at the University of Washington.