アンバー・チェン 氏 / Ms. Amber Chen, CMP

また、2017年には「Eco Mobility World Festival 2017」を成功裏に運営管理し、IAPCOのPCOにおけるイノベーションアワードを受賞した。アンバー氏は台湾における初めての国際的な賞を受賞したミーティングプランナーである。
Vice President, GIS Group / Executive Director, Taiwan Convention and Exhibition Association(TECA)
Certified Meeting Professional(CMP) with more than 20 years experience in the international Business Events Industry. Amber has worked with both local and international associations' key opinion leaders/ government personnel in destination marketing and international conference bidding strategy. Adept and knowledgeable in conference/ meeting design and management; strong leadership and passion to drive Taiwan's Business Events capacities and recognition internationally.
Amber has led the team who managed managed EcoMobility World Festival 2017 and has recieved IAPCO Innovation Award for PCOs 2017. She is also the first Taiwanese meeting planner to be bestowed an international award.