フランク・ヤン / Frank Yang, CMP, CEM, PMP, DES

2004年に、韓国最大の展示会場KINTEXに入社以来、営業・マーケティング、展示会運営、営業開発などの分野で幅広い経験を積み、EIC (Events Industry Council) ナレッジ委員会委員、韓国国際MICE協会 (Korea MICE Association) 国際委員会委員を務める。
近年では、安全なイベント開催のために実施された、感染症流行下における会場再開の革新的なフレームワークが評価され、2020年のICCA(国際会議協会)ベスト・マーケティング・アワードを受賞。2019年には、KINTEXで開催のゲーミングショー「PlayX4」で展開したインフルエンサー・キャンペーンによってUFI(国際見本市連盟)マーケティング・アワードを、また、ビジネスイベント業界への貢献が認められ、EIC (Events Industry Council) のPacesetter Awardを受賞するなど、韓国人として初めてこれらの賞を受賞したことで注目を集めている。
Director, Convention Marketing, KINTEX (South Korea)
Since joining KINTEX in 2004, Frank has gained extensive experience in sales and marketing, exhibition management, and business development. Based on his professional background, he serves as a Knowledge Committee member of EIC(Events Industry Council) and the International Committee member of the Korea MICE Association.
Most recently, Frank was presented with the 2020 ICCA Best Marketing Award for the innovative framework for re-opening a venue during the pandemic carried out to hold events safely. Not only that he received the 2019 UFI Marketing Award from the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI) as he developed the creative influencer campaigns for a gaming show(PlayX4) he organizes at KINTEX. Not only that, he was selected as a 2019 Pacesetter Award winner by the Events Industry Council (EIC) for his valuable contribution to the business event community. These honors were particularly noteworthy as he is the first-ever Korean national to receive these awards.