塩見 麻子 氏 / Ms. Asako Shiomi

公益財団法人大阪観光局 MICE推進部 課長
- 大阪観光局の前身である大阪観光協会に入職後、レジャー部門を担当し、その後MICE担当となる
- MICE推進部へ異動後、国際会議誘致から海外企業インセンティブツアー誘致、ならびに支援を担当
- MICEの誘致・支援活動は地元ステークホルダーとの関係が重要と考え「大阪MICEビジネス・アライアンス」の立ち上げにたずさわり、企業だけではなく、市民へのMICEの理解を浸透させるために活動
- 2025年大阪・関西万博を控え、MICE業界でのSDGsへの取り組みを促進させるため、「SDGs for MICE評価制度」を立ち上げ、関係者にむけた普及活動をおこなっている。
MICE Promotion Department, Osaka Convention and Tourism Bureau
- She joined the Osaka Tourism Association, the predecessor of the Osaka Convention and Tourism Bureau and was in charge of the leisure department and became a MICE manager.
- After transferring to the MICE Promotion Department, she was assigned to manage both corporate and association meetings where she could accumulate her experience in the industry and gain knowledge from the two sectors.
- She believes that relationships with local stakeholders are important for MICE activities and has been involved in the launch of the "Osaka MICE Business Alliance", working to spread understanding of MICE not only to companies but also to citizens.
- Ahead of the 2025 Osaka Kansai Expo, in order to promote SDGs initiatives in the MICE industry, Osaka has launched the "SDGs for MICE evaluation system" and are conducting dissemination activities for related parties.