正木 義久 氏 / Mr. Yoshihisa Masaki

社会経済活動にかかわる政策・制度に経済界の立場から提言する経団連事務局に勤務。経団連会館の運営を行う管理本部長と総務本部長との兼務、労働政策本部長を経て、2020年4月より経団連新型コロナウイルス会議の事務局であるソーシャル・コミュニケーション本部の本部長に着任。ボストン大学法科大学院(LL.M. in American Law)。2013年に社会保険労務士登録(2015年より特定社会保険労務士)。2022年キャリアコンサルタント登録。
Director, Social Communication Bureau, Keidanren (Japan Business Federation)
Yoshihisa Masaki is the Director of Keidanren, which is the most powerful economic organization in Japan. He joined Keidanren in 1992 and earned an L.L.M at Boston University. Since 2016, as a director, he has served to arrange high-level meetings with top executives and has led labor market reform in Japan. In his current position, he has engaged in making policies on the financial and consumer market, resilience, diversity, mobility, and COVID-19 from business communities’ points of view.