田中 弘一 氏 / Mr. Hirokazu Tanaka

株式会社コングレ、執行役員 営業企画部長
Assistant Representative Director, Japan Convention Management Association (JCMA)
Corporate Executive Officer, Strategic Business Division, Congrés Inc.
Since joining Congrès Inc., he has been extensively involved in MICE planning and management, as well as being in charge of government sponsored summit and ministerial meetings, international conferences for various academic associations, corporate meetings, and many other events.
In his current position, he has been working on sports business events and exhibitions, while striving to expand his network outside of the MICE industry to develop new business opportunities.
Until last year, he served as the Secretary General of the Japan Convention Management Association (JCMA), and currently, he continues to assist the Representative Director regarding association activities.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, he was also in charge of formulating “Guidelines for MICE in the wake of COVID-19” to help facilitate the resumption of the meetings industry.