アシュウィン・グナセケラン 氏 / Mr. Ashwin Gunasekeran
スイスのホスピタリティ専門大学IMI(International Management Institute)にて国際観光学の修士号を取得後、ペナン州観光局に7年間勤務。国際的な専門知識と15年以上にわたる豊富な業界経験をもつ、チームワークを重視するリーダーとして、観光、ホスピタリティ・マネジメント、収益分析、イールド・マネジメント、ターンアラウンド戦略、事業開発、ビジネス・ツーリズムにおける知見を活かしている。
CEO, Penang Convention & Exhibition Bureau
Ashwin Gunasekeran is a native of Penang, who is the Chief Executive Officer of Penang Convention & Exhibition Bureau (PCEB), the pioneer State Convention Bureau established in Northern Malaysia to develop and enhance the Business Events industry.
Ashwin, who earned a master's degree in international tourism from Switzerland's IMI University, worked for the Penang Tourism Action Council for 7 years. He is a team-oriented leader with extensive international expertise and more than 15 years of experience in the industry. He offers his wealth of knowledge in tourism and hospitality management, revenue analysis, yield management, turnaround strategy, company growth, and business tourism.
Ashwin is a dreamer, leader, and firm believer in the 'Power of Collaboration' who envisions greater success by bringing the business events fraternity together.